This is my second brief in my first year of studying commercial photography at Arts University Bournemouth. The brief is titled “Digital Imaging & Production“, and it’s aim is “to build a solid technical skills base in order to thrive in the commercial photography industry, but you should start developing a depth of understanding that comes from applying concepts to your commercial photographic practice. You should choose one topic from the following list, taking inspiration from it to produce a piece of work that is commercial in nature. Produce good quality evidence of your research and ideas in your research file. Your final submission must be still photo output, edited in Photoshop CC (no other programme is to be used without prior permission or you will be marked down) and based on one of the listed concepts below. You must produce a series of digital files and a print. The images must work as a series and must possess a quality and sophistication that is comparable with that of your intended market.”
The project I chose was: A life in a day - Documentary/editorial shadowing someone with an interesting occupation/hobby.
As I am based in Jersey, Channel Islands and enjoy surfing. Therefore, I chose a surfing project and was following my Dad as the main subject. This project ran from November 28th to March 6th. Therefore, it was winter and the water was freezing.
The following photos were my final submission for this brief.