My third university project to finish off my first year was titled “Commercial Stretch”, which can be described as, commercial photography is a parasite that lives off photography and in the past commercial photography was very particular on how you had to shoot. Now in commercial photography you have more freedom which is why it’s called the “Commercial Stretch”. This project ran from March 6th to June 5th. I can use any aspect of commercial photography presented singularly or as a mixture of disciplines. E.g. fashion, editorial, etc. My idea is to explore dirt biking/motocross within the commercial aspect whilst including some fashion studio portraits, action shots and some editorial location shots to advertise the helmet.
I was asked to produce a body of six to eight images that had a commercial context to them. Plus, I also had to create a three to seven minute video. Below are my favourite photos that I took from this project. The first seven are the photos that I submitted, and the rest are photos that I thought added extra context complemented the set of images that I submitted.
Model: Micah De Gruchy (Number 145)
I positioned myself next to one of the jumps that I realised I was getting good results from. Therefore, I spent more time there trying to perfect the shot. I wanted to get the focus correct on Micah as he was the main model for this project. However, to practise and get the right settings I got photos of the other riders and there turned out nice, and are presented below.

To go alongside the photos I had to create a video in Premier Pro. I decided to take a documentary approach to advertise the helmet. For the first five minutes I used an interview mixed in with some video on top to set the scene. After, I transition the video from the slow paced interview to a high paced, upbeat race highlight montage to finish it off.